Author Archives: admin

APK sledding trip on Saturday 11th February

Apk’s February trip to Hirvensalo’s sledding hill will take place on Saturday 12 February.  The sledding hill can be found next to the ski resort at Kakskerrantie 111. You can join with our Boardmember Ida, who will travel to the … Continue reading

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APK pre-Christmas glögg serving on 16th December

The Academic Scout Guild (APK) is serving glögg on Thursday 16th December from 12pm till 4pm in front of Ylioppilastalo (YO-talo) B near the entrance to the Proffan kellari pub (Rehtorinpellonkatu 4 B ). Come say hi to other members, … Continue reading

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Trip to Ruissalo 6.2.2021

APK is arranging a trip to Ruissalo on Saturday 6th February at 11 o’clock. We meet at Honkapirtti, where you can eat lunch (not included in the price). We decide the exact route together at the start and start from … Continue reading

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