The Academic Scout Guild (Akateeminen partiokilta, APK) has started somewhere in the 1960s, when there was an association with the same name within the Student Union of the University of Turku. The association was re-founded in 1993. Today APK is a hobby assocation meant for students and staff of all the universities in Turku (University of Turku, Åbo Akademi, Turku University of Applied Sciences, Novia, HUMAK Turku and Diak Turku). The association arranges trips, hiking, outings and other interesting activities for it’s members. Even though our name referes to scouting, we welcome everyone. Our activities are not scouting activities.
With us you can get to try a kayak, climbing, geocaching or perhaps a picnic. In the winter we might be skating, swimming in cold water or sledding. We also arrange trips to culture events like theatre and museums.
Stay up to date on our events by joining our mailing list. You can also contact our board via email.