Category Archives: Events

Camping trip to Nötö island from 17th to 19th of May 2024

We will make a two-night trip to Nötö island, archipelago of Turku. During the trip, we will stay at the camping site next to the sea and sleep in tents or hammocks for both nights. The camping site has an … Continue reading

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Trip to Kakskerta on Saturday 13.4.2024

We will make a trip to Kakskerta on Saturday 13.4.2024. The route is about 6-7 km long. During the trip we will stop to visit the historic Brinkhall Manor and the Heroes’ Grave. Halfway through the hike, we will stop … Continue reading

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Cottage trip to Vienola on the weekend 8-10.3.2024

Welcome to join our cottage trip on the weekend 8-10.3.2024. The cottage is called “Vienola” (here is a Finnish language page about it ). At the cottage we will relax in good company, eat well, enjoy the surrounding nature … Continue reading

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Moonlight trip to Vaarniemi on 23rd of February 2024

On Friday, February 23, APK will go on a moonlight trip to Vaarniemi under the (almost) full moon. You can get there by e.g. bus no. 18, which leaves from Kauppatori stop D3 at 6:15 p.m. The tour organizer jumps … Continue reading

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Sledding trip to Hirvensalo 10th of February 2024

On Saturday 10.2.2024 APK goes sledding in Hirvensalo ski center where there is a sledding hill that they maintain with snow. So, there will be snow regardless of the weather. You can travel there with us by bus number 55 … Continue reading

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Trip to Katariinanlaakso on January 27th

The APK January trip will take place on Saturday January 27th and be to Katariinanlaakso. The trip is around 4 km and there is a possibility to visit a birdwatching tower. You can join the trip with a Föli-bus 13A from … Continue reading

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Trip to Botanic Garden in Ruissalo on Saturday 9th December

Do you miss the light and the greenery? Us too! So come and join us for a fun day at the Botanic Garden in Ruissalo. We are delighted to be able to provide a guided tour in English! We’ll take … Continue reading

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APK’s trip to Linnavuori trail in Piikkiö on Saturday 18th November 2023

We will make a trip to Piikkiö Linnavuori trail on Saturday 18th November. The length of the nature trail is about 7 kilometers, and along it there are historical places and a hillfort from which there are good views all … Continue reading

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APK September trip to Ruissalo on 14th October

Welcome to our trip to Ruissalo on Saturday 14.10.2023! We’ll follow the path of Marjaniemi after which we’ll go to the nearest campfire to rest and enjoy some snacks. The length of the route is around 3-4 km. We’ll take … Continue reading

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APK’s camping trip to Paimio on the Preitilä trail 21st-22nd October 2023

We will make an overnight trip to Paimio on the Preitilä trail on 21.10.-22.10. During the trip we will walk 11 km and sleep in tents for the night. The night can be very cold, so all participants should bring … Continue reading

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