Category Archives: Other news

APK is present at TYY’s May Day Punch-event Tuesday 30.4!

The event starts at 11 am and ends at 1 pm but in previous years our delicious rhubarb sima has been drunk in an hour! Remember to take your own cup with you! What: May Day Punch-eventWhere: University HillWhen: Tuesday … Continue reading

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Get your own retkipassi!

We would like to reward all our active members, so we came up with a pass (retkipassi) to be filled with stamps! Stamps are obtained by participating in events organized by the association. Once completed, you will be awarded the … Continue reading

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Invitation to the 30th anniversary party of the Akateeminen partiokilta

Dear nature enthusiast, You are cordially invited to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Akateeminen partiokilta Saturday 1.10.2022 at Kahvila Koroinen (Koroistentie 2). Festivities start with a cocktail party at 16:00. A vegetarian dinner served at 18:00. After the dinner … Continue reading

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Success for APK in the 2021 TYY Hall of Fame

APK won the TYY International Award at the TYY Hall of Fame 2021 for its activities. In addition, APK received an honourable mention in the category Champion of Events and Student Culture!

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APK pre-Christmas glögg serving on 16th December

The Academic Scout Guild (APK) is serving glögg on Thursday 16th December from 12pm till 4pm in front of Ylioppilastalo (YO-talo) B near the entrance to the Proffan kellari pub (Rehtorinpellonkatu 4 B ). Come say hi to other members, … Continue reading

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