Cottage trip to Vienola on the weekend 8-10.3.2024

Welcome to join our cottage trip on the weekend 8-10.3.2024. The cottage is called “Vienola” (here is a Finnish language page about it ). At the cottage we will relax in good company, eat well, enjoy the surrounding nature and have sauna. The cottage is located at the address Peltolantie 211, Naantali. The cottage has electricity and running water. There are mattresses, pillows and duvets at the cottage, but you will need to take your own bed sheets and pillowcase with you. It’s also possible to sleep outdoors near the cottage, and APK has a few tents, sleeping bags, and sleeping mats that can be borrowed if requested.

On Friday you can arrive at the cottage from 17:00 onwards. The cottage is about 5 km walking distance from Rymättylä. You can get to Rymättylä with the Föli bus “N2”, which departs from Naantali (you can get from Turku to Naantali with e.g buses 6 or 7). You can also come there by car. We will decide about possible carpools etc. later with the participants. On Sunday we will leave the cottage around 13 a clock. You will need to buy the Föli bus tickets yourself.

Packing list:

  • Waterproof and warm clothes for outdoor activities
  • Change of clothes
  • Eating utensils (bowl, cup and cutlery). Most likely there will be enough utensils at the cottage, but just in case.
  • Bed Sheets and pillowcase
  • Towel and sitting cloth (for sauna)
  • Head lamp
  • Personal hygiene stuff (e.g. toothbrush) and medicine

Optional equipment:

  • Board-, card- or outdoor-games
  • Compass, insulating sitting mat for day trips
  • Crocs or other light shoes (e.g for ice swimming)
  • Snacks/treats
  • Tent, sleeping bag etc. (outdoor camping gear) if you want to sleep outdoors
  • Phone and charger

The trip costs 30€ for APK members and 40€ for non-members (you can also become a member for 10€ as you register for the trip, in which case the total price will be 30€ + 10€ = 40€ ). The price of the cottage trip comes from the rent of the cottage and the estimated price of food divided among the participants. Register for the trip here! There is space for 18 people . The registration closes on Wednesday 6.3 (or once the trip is full) The registration is binding. APK events are alcohol free.

Feel free to ask us if some question comes to mind! (email: hallitus at

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Moonlight trip to Vaarniemi on 23rd of February 2024

On Friday, February 23, APK will go on a moonlight trip to Vaarniemi under the (almost) full moon. You can get there by e.g. bus no. 18, which leaves from Kauppatori stop D3 at 6:15 p.m. The tour organizer jumps on this bus halfway through the trip. If you come with your own ride, the closest address you can find with the navigator is Meriläistentie 1. The bus stop where the tour starts is at the intersection of Meriläistentie and Leinikkikatu.

We walk in the moonlight to Vaarniemi fireplace where we will make S’mores. Please bring a headlamp, your own water bottle and a mug with you. The trip is free, and in addition to S’mores, we offer participants juice and tea (please bring your own thermos with hot water if possible).

Please register here for the trip on Tuesday, February 20th, at the latest:
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Sledding trip to Hirvensalo 10th of February 2024

On Saturday 10.2.2024 APK goes sledding in Hirvensalo ski center where there is a sledding hill that they maintain with snow. So, there will be snow regardless of the weather.

You can travel there with us by bus number 55 from Kauppatori bus stop A6. The bus leaves at 11.57. If you go there by yourself, the address is Kakskerrantie 111. We will start sledding at 12.10. Take your own sled, snow glider, plastic bag, or whatever slides you down the hill! The trip is free for our members, and the fee for non-members is 5€. We will offer you laskiaispulla (a sweet bun with jam and whipped cream) and juice. Take your own mug and water with you.

P.S. You might find used and cheap or free sleds from or from the Facebook group called Roskalava Turku

Please register here for the trip on Friday, February 9th, at the latest:

All event registrations are binding and in the event of a cancellation, you should inform the association at hallitus[a] as soon as possible.

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Trip to Katariinanlaakso on January 27th

The APK January trip will take place on Saturday January 27th and be to Katariinanlaakso. The trip is around 4 km and there is a possibility to visit a birdwatching tower. You can join the trip with a Föli-bus 13A from Puutori –bus stop (286, Maariankatu) at 11.16. We will arrive at the Katariinalakso parking spot at 11.40 and start our journey together. If you are coming with your own ride, the address is Sigridinpolku 5, Turku.

Trip is free of charge for our members, for others the trip costs 5 €. You can also join APK (10€) on our website or on sight. APK offers small snacks to participants. Please bring own water bottle, a mug and more snacks if needed. Remember to wear weather appropriate clothing. Please let us know if you can’t participate on the trip. The participation fee (5 €) will be charged if you don’t inform us about your absence.

Sign up for the trip here: . Last day to sign up is Wednesday 24.1.2024 at 15.00.

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Trip to Botanic Garden in Ruissalo on Saturday 9th December

Do you miss the light and the greenery? Us too! So come and join us for a fun day at the Botanic Garden in Ruissalo. We are delighted to be able to provide a guided tour in English!

We’ll take the bus 8 together from the platform A8 (Kauppatori) at 11.30 am but you can also join the group directly at the garden. The guiding starts at 12, so please come on time. For more information, please visit the Botanic Garden’s website:

Be sure to sign up soon, the places are limited to 15!

Link to registration:

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APK’s trip to Linnavuori trail in Piikkiö on Saturday 18th November 2023

We will make a trip to Piikkiö Linnavuori trail on Saturday 18th November. The length of the nature trail is about 7 kilometers, and along it there are historical places and a hillfort from which there are good views all the way to Turku.

Departure for the excursion takes place from Puutori platform PT5 on Saturday 18th November at 12:00 with Föli bus 704. Please arrive on time. If you arrive with your own car, we will meet at Lystiläntie 21 at 12:30. The return to Turku takes place in the afternoon/evening with the Föli bus.

The trip is free for APK members, for others the participation fee is €5. You can also become a member during registration or on the spot. APK offers participants a small campfire meal at the end of the trip, but we would like everyone to eat lunch at home before the trip. Please bring your own water bottle and mug and your own snacks. Please dress appropriately for the weather.

Register here: Registration for the trip closes on Thursday 16.11. at 23:59.

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APK September trip to Ruissalo on 14th October

Welcome to our trip to Ruissalo on Saturday 14.10.2023! We’ll follow the path of Marjaniemi after which we’ll go to the nearest campfire to rest and enjoy some snacks. The length of the route is around 3-4 km. We’ll take the bus 8 from Kauppatori, stop A8, at 12.34.

Please be prepared with weather-appropriate clothing and bring your own water bottle and mug. APK provides campfire snacks, coffee and tea.

The trip is free for our members, for others 5€.  You can also become a member during registration or on the trip. If you have not yet paid the association’s membership fee for this year, we ask that you pay the membership fee (10€) or the participation fee (5€) to the association’s account FI03 5711 1320 0039 96.  If you cannot pay in Euros or your bank account is outside Europe (SEPA area), please pay in cash at the beginning of the tour.

Sign up here:

Registration closes on Thursday 12.10. at 23.59

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APK autumn general meeting 25th October 2023

The autumn general meeting of Akateeminen partiokilta will be held on Wednesday 25th October starting at 6:00 pm. The meeting is held at the smaller cabinet of Proffan kellari (Rehtorinpellonkatu 6) and Zoom ( Everybody who is interested in our activities and especially those interested in board membership are warmly welcome to join the meeting! We will provide coffee/tea and bun for the participants. Please note that the meeting will be held in Finnish – however, if we have non-Finnish-speakers attending we will try to interpret main points of the meeting in English.

In the meeting we will elect the board for the next year and approve next year’s budget and action plan. If you have any questions about the meeting or board activities, please feel free to contact us! You can send an email to the board at

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APK’s camping trip to Paimio on the Preitilä trail 21st-22nd October 2023

We will make an overnight trip to Paimio on the Preitilä trail on 21.10.-22.10. During the trip we will walk 11 km and sleep in tents for the night. The night can be very cold, so all participants should bring warm enough and weatherproof clothes and equipment and a warm sleeping bag. The APK has some camping equipment available for loan for the trip. Please note that if you need to borrow a tent, there will probably not be enough for everyone to borrow their own tent. There are also no water points along the trek route, so we will carry drinking and cooking water with you.

Departure for the hike will be from Puutori (PT5) on Saturday 21st October at 10.55 with bus number 705. Please arrive on time at the departure point. If you arrive by car, we will meet at the parking lot of Paimion parantola (Alvar Aallontie 275) at 12.00. We will arrive at Paimio Sanatorium at 11.55. The return to Turku will be on Sunday at 16.30.

Participation costs 15 € for APK members, for others 20 €. You can also become a member when registering or on the spot. Please note that the bus fare to and from Paimio costs about €10-12 in total. The participation fee for the excursion includes warm meals and breakfast.

Sign up here: Registration closes on Tuesday 17th October at 18.00.

If you have any questions about the excursion, please feel free to contact us.

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Mushroom picking trip on 26th September

Join us on the APK mushroom-picking trip on Tuesday 26th September 2023! Our trip is to Mälikkälä in Turku. On the trip we’ll try to find some of the most common edible mushrooms in Finland and see how to identify them. The trip is not, however, a course for mushroom-picking and everyone is responsible for the mushrooms they pick – because of this we suggest that everyone purchases a mushroom guide book or application that you can use to practice identifying different mushrooms together with the trip guides.

We’ll gather at 4:40 pm at the Asentajankatu bus stop which is near Länsikeskus and then go to the forest together. You can get there for example using the Föli bus number 301, which leaves from the Kauppatori E2 bus stop at 4:25 pm and should be at the Asentajankatu bus stop at 4:40 pm. We’ll return from the trip around 8 pm.  You can for example take a bus number 300 back to Kauppatori leaving at 7:53 pm from the Asentajankatu bus stop.

The trip is free. Everyone should take at least a water bottle and other snacks as necessary with them. Additionally, we suggest taking with you a basket or plastic bag and a small knife (preferably a mushroom knife, ie. one with a brush in the other end). If you’re late or lost, call us at +358 40 181 5514 (Ida) and we’ll try to help you.

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